
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Blog-O-Versay Excitement and Giveaway!

I have been so at a loss for words as to what to talk about in this post. I can hardly believe that I've been blogging for an entire year, that fact in itself just seems so surreal to me. I had always hoped that I would be able to go on this long, but the fact that I did just seems so fabulous.

So much has happened in the last year. I finished college, I got a real job, got a professional degree. So much has happened, and it has been such an amazing journey and I just wanted to say thank you to all of my 202 followers and new friends that have joined me on this journey. I never thought that I would be able to take it this far, but right now I am still going strong until at least March!

I have been offered so many different opportunities, and made so many new friends I entirely loved it! I got to go to New York Comic Con and Book Expo America which was really great. At both events I met new friends and made connections that I never thought possible.

In the last year I have gotten 208 followers, and I love every last one of them. I love everyone that has checked my blog and has helped Paperback Princess grow.

I have made some of the best friends that a girl can make in the last year, most of them from the last few months. If I haven't mentioned you its not because I love you its because I am so absent minded and have no idea what to say in this post!

I met her by chance because she happened to live close to me. From there our relationship has grown, I loan her books, she loans me books, its really great because then we get people that are close to us to share our love of books. I can honestly say that she is like a little sister to me as far as books and life. She's the star over at Lili Reflects.

If Lili is my little sister, then Lexie is my big sister. When I was trying to navigate the murky waters of BEA, she was my guiding light, she showed me what was what and helped me to navigate the floor and how to make my schedule. When I decided I wanted to go to NYCC, I told her, and she's the reason that I stuck with it and went anyway. And man did we have a blast. She's the chief blogger over at Poisoned Rationality.

I met Julie randomly at Books of Wonder and since then we've been getting together for various events including NYCC and with a plan for BEA. We had a ton of fun, and I'm looking forward to a lot more events together. Her blog is located over at Bloggers[heart]Books.

To complete my Blogger friend family is Kristan. She and I also bonded over BEA and our love of The Walking Dead and also being relatively close. We both worked through BEA together coming together with a plan and a great new friendship and a plan for BEA next year. Her blog is Lost Amongst The Shelves.

The more I think about what I want to say about my 208 followers, and my 12k page views, the harder it becomes to put pen to paper. I think about all the great experiences that I had with BEa, and getting to talk to some of my favorite authors like Sarah J. Maas on Twitter, and getting to know Susan Elia Macneal, and meeting Taherah Mafi and talking to Mindee Arnett and Carmen Rodrigues, and Ellen Oh and Elsie Chapman and Susan Dennard. All of these women I admire and when I see them do things like Retweet me, or respond to a tweet I posted, it makes my heart soar with so much appreciation and that goes for all of my friends and I just can't even express words.

So here is to another really great year with all of my really great new friends.


Now for my super awesome giveaway! I've been holding on to these books from NYCC for my NYCC giveaway, but then it never worked out that way so now I'm holding it for my Blog-o-versary. You are entering to win a giant bag of swag from BEA including pins, bookmarks and other stuff. But also four really great books, two of which are 2013 releases, one is a finished copy and one is a SIGNED ARC. You've got Code by Kathy Reichs, Prodigy by Marie Lu, The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson, and The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken.

BUT WAIT! There's more!

If I get to 300 Followers, 400 Followers, and 500 followers, I have 3 more books to add in. We have Dualed by Elsie Chapman, The Different Girl by Gordon Dahlquist, and False Sight by Dan Krokos (Which doesn't come out until August!) to add into the mix. But I have to hit 300-500 followers for those books to be an option! Think you can do that? I think you can, and I think that you all have the proper motivation.

Update: We added Dualed by Elsie Chapman! So close to The Different Girl!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the awesome giveaway, Nicole! I love your blog :)

  2. As a huge fan and keen follower of your brilliant book blog, i would like to say thank you so much for this fantastic giveaway! The bag of SWAG sounds amazing and the ARC books look increadible! Thank you for this oportunity and chance. x

    Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk
    GFC Follower: lfountain1

  3. New follower. Congrats on a year of blogging!

  4. I am so glad I found your blog through another's tweet about your giveaway! I have just gotten back into blogging after a year or so off. Congrats on your blogiversary! I wish good things for you in the next year, too!

  5. I found your blog through Goodreads and love it! Great giveaway by the way :) I can't wait to see more of your posts! :P

  6. Thank you for the awesome giveaway. I hope you reach your desired amount of followers.

  7. New follower here. Congrats on one year! Mine is coming up at the end of January! Where does the time go? LoL
