Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Blog Tour: What's Your Winner's Curse? (And Giveaway!)



The ‘Winner’s Curse’ is an economics term that means you’ve gotten what you wanted – but at too high a price.  What would you pay too much for?

Happy Saint Paddy's Day! I'm so happy to be doing my first Blog Tour with such an EPIC series.

Isn't this such a compelling question? How would you answer?

For me, I think I would pay too much for the health and well-being of my family. Does that sound like a stock answer? But I honestly cannot imagine living without my mom and other family members. Arin's story in The Winner's Trilogy is so heartbreaking because of all he's lost. Even Kestrel, losing her mother at such a young age and having a father so distant. And I can never even conceive of going through something like that. So I wouldn't be able to put a price on it but I know for a fact that all I would want and what I would pay too high a price for is my family. For their safety, security and happiness.

Like Dean Winchester or Jim Kirk of the Star Trek Reboot, there isn't really much I wouldn't do for my family. They've always been there for me from when I was born one pound or needed open heart surgery to now as I embark on my future.

On a lighter note, I'd also say that I'd probably pay too much money to go book shopping with Chris Pinehang out on the set of Supernatural or see The Winner's Trilogy be made into blockbuster movies. I mean, can you imagine having Arin on the big screen? Swoon. 

That's why this question is such a good one! There are so many answers. When I was younger, I probably would have answered meeting the cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or starring in an episode of Charmed. Obviously things change.

Would your answer change? I'm wondering if the Kestrel we'll meet at the end of the series would make the decisions as the Kestrel at the beginning? What would Arin choose?


Thank you soooo much to the fabulous Macmillan team for all their handwork. I've witnessed some amazing blog tours from them and this is no exception. I am so happy to have been a part of it.


Here's a MASTER LIST of all the blogs participating in the tour!

And be sure to check out the OFFICIAL website.

Don't forget to try your hand at BITE AND STING.



You're going to want a copy of The Winner's Crime. Enter here! US only. Good luck! 


  1. My winner's curse is buying all the books and never having enough room for all of them!

    1. Totally a problem for me too. Books are starting to pile up everywhere. Not that I regret it, lol.

  2. My curse, like Kaitlyn is buying books. I just love looking at them, reading them over & over. They bring me happiness. Thank you for participating in the blog tour. I love this series. I can't wait for the 3rd book.

    1. I think I have a book problem. I love just having them around too. And you're welcome, thank you for commenting! This series is so amazing, isn't it? I'm eagerly awaiting book 3 too!

  3. Education. I've been taking college classes for years, but then I have a difficult time finding a job because they consider me overqualified.

    1. :( I'm sorry! I hope you find a job soon. I don't think anyone should ever be over qualified. If you want the job and you're a good fit, nothing should stop you!

  4. Mine is my family and books that I am dying to get my hands on! lol Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. You're so welcome! I would say books are definitely on the list. Without stories, I don't know where I would be!

  5. Lovely post! My winner's crime is my hella expensive education at Johns Hopkins. It will be worth it, especially as an undergrad but... those loans though! :D

    Thank you!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Thank you! And yes, your education is so worth it. I feel the same about Sarah Lawrence. Hella expensive. But also definitely worth it. :D

  6. Books and Monster energy drinks :/
    Mary G Loki

  7. I'm probably forgetting something more obvious, but I'd say my current winner's curse would be finding great deals on books and then not having the time to read them all.



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