Monday, August 22, 2016

Review: Seventh Grave and No Body (Charley Davidson #7)

Author: Darynda Jones
Goodreads Rating: 4.41
Pages: 336
Twelve. Twelve of the deadliest beasts ever forged in the fires of hell have escaped onto our plane, and they want nothing more than to rip out the jugular of Charley Davidson and serve her lifeless, mangled body to Satan for dinner. So there’s that. But Charley has more on her plate than a mob of testy hellhounds. For one thing, her father has disappeared, and the more she retraces his last steps, the more she learns he was conducting an investigation of his own, one that has Charley questioning everything she’s ever known about him. Add to that an ex-BFF who is haunting her night and day, a rash of suicides that has authorities baffled, and a drop-dead sexy fiancé who has attracted the attentions of a local celebrity, and Charley is not having the best week of her life.

A tad north of hell, a hop, skip, and a jump past the realm of eternity, is a little place called Earth, and Charley Davidson, grim reaper extraordinaire, is determined to do everything in her power to protect it.

We’re doomed.

 My love for these books knows no bounds!!! After taking a small break from Charley Davidson (hard to do, I know) to catch up on some other series, I happily return to this book knowing that I don't have to worry about forgetting what happened in the other books. If you read this series one right after the other, then that constant recapping might get annoying, but I love it.

So now we have a situation... Charley has suicide victims, who are leaving notes, except there are no bodies, a dead girl with a missing body, a stalker lady after Reyes and.... something else.... hold on I can remember.... oh yea! 12 evil and blood-thirsty hell hounds out to tear Charley limb from tender limb. So, needless to say... there's a lot going on.

As for the characters you know and love, Charley is her same witty, reckless self that we all know and love, Reyes is still mysterious and over protective, and uncle Bob and Cookie are also just as awesome. The person I actually really liked reading more about was Daeva, (Osh). I'm really curious about him and hope he's around more to get to know him more. I also want to know why Charley has such an innate trust in him.

I've touched on the plot already, but truthfully, if you are a fan of the series (which I assume if you are reading the 7th book... you like the series at least a little), this book meets and may exceed your expectations.

Truthfully, I love all the drama, mystery, and perfect Charley-isms that just keep building up! Can't wait for the next one!

The Court's Decision:


  1. Seventh Grave and No Body is an awesome book to read. If i will have a chance to give the review on this book, I will surely give the positive one.

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