Now, I'm breaking it up into a few categories because I have different types of favorites: there are the girls who are kickass and are just plain awesome and boys who are awesome and who are practically my fictional boyfriend(s).
Kickass Females:
1. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter series
Do I even need to explain why she's number one? I mean, the series should have been "Hermione Granger and That Time I Saved Everyone". Seriously! The girl is smart, and isn't afraid to rock it! She's confident in herself and loyal to her friends, and she throws a mean punch when push comes to shove (right, Malfoy?) The girl is straight awesome!

I went back and forth a lot on this one. Truth is, I love all the main females in this series (had the hardest time between Scarlet and Cress though). I like Cress because I feel she is a huge dreamer, like I am. I love the little fantasies she gets and scenarios she puts herself through because I do it too (friend's don't call me daydreamer for nothing). And when push comes to shove, she can handle herself :) If I ever had the chance to meet her, I think we wold be insta-BFFs <3

3. Celaena from Throne of Glass series
What can I say about Celaena? Besides that she is a total BAMF! She's hardcore, kick you in the teeth if she doesn't like you kind of personality mixed with a softer feminine side. She knows when to act like a lady and when to start bashing skulls. The perfect mix! I haven't even read the most recent book yet but I absolutely love this character. She is definitely a girl I would want on my side.
Drool-worthy Dudes:

The steamy (not sparkley) vampire <3 This was one of the first romance series I started reading and it still is (and forever will be) one of my favorites. I got my friends hooked on it and we all have our favorites. Qhuinn is definitely mine :) He is loyal to a fault, despite his background, and is always striving to do right by other people, even if it costs him his freedom and happiness. Not to mention he has the sexy vampire thing going very well for him ;) I love his relationship with the other brothers and his friends and when I finally got to see him get his "happily ever after", I was beyond ecstatic! Definitely will always be one of my boys <3

Gotta love my sarcastic, witty guys <3 A story I randomly picked up one day since it sounded good and I needed a book and have been happy I did ever since. Sage is confident, sarcastic, and crafty and he uses his skills to get what he wants. This also includes making fools out of many people, which I many times found very hilarious. I absolutely loved reading about him and finding out what would happen next to Sage was the main reason I devoured this book so quickly. There are even two other books I need to read to catch up on Sage's adventure!!

The original sarcastic funny guy <3 Oh Harry... my original sarcastic, witty, all around good guy, who happens to be a wizard and who happens to also get himself into heaps of trouble at every turn. His wit and humor throughout the novels is amazing, and I always love a guy who can make me laugh. I have the added pleasure of listening to this series as an audiobook, narrated by freaking James Marsters! (don't know who James Marsters is? You may better remember him as Spike from Buffy... I'll let that sink in... Oh and the whole book is first person, so James Marsters is pretty much the voice of Harry Dresden, which makes me a very happy lady).
So tell us... who are your favorite characters? got a book boyfriend? Share it! We'd love to hear!
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